What should I do if I’m concerned about comments on one of the discussion spaces?
The Connection Center is a safe space to connect to the material of the Crimson Circle and other Shaumbra around deep and meaningful conversations. With this site, we seek to create an environment and community that is safe for expressing various views and perspectives.
We believe that for the wisdom of Shaumbra to come out, there needs to be a defined set of rules we all must abide by for everyone to have a meaningful experience in the connection center:
- Be a source of wisdom.
- Don’t try to convince, use your words to inspire.
- Respect energy exchange principles.
- Acknowledge that everyone’s path is different and that they deserve to find and tailor it as they need it.
- Listen/read and feel not only the words but also the energy behind every communication.
- You are responsible for your own energy and shine without agenda. Keep that in mind before you push the “Submit” button.
- Don’t engage in drama, use hidden (or even open) agendas in your communications, and always remember to stay behind the short wall. Be respectful of other people's content and always assume that everyone is acting in good faith.
- Don’t overwhelm the site with constant posting.
- It is OK to disagree, but please be civil, respectful, and considerate to other Shaumbra.
- Participate constructively in comment threads: Before posting or commenting on a thread, always breathe first and make sure your words reflect the energy of Shaumbra, the purpose of the site you are in, and what we stand for. Also, do your best to see the world from the perspective of the person who made the post.
- Intellectual Property and Personal Rights: Do not post content that infringes any intellectual property or personal rights of another party. Writing taken from another source should be properly attributed and block quoted.
If you feel a post or message does not comply with this policy or has no relation to the topics discussed, please email customerservice@crimsoncircle.com, including a screenshot of the message (with the name of the participant) and why you believe it is not in compliance.
NOTE: Displaying a judgmental attitude towards others and using aggressive or abusive language is not in line with Shaumbra standards. We take such behavior seriously and, in the interest of maintaining a safe and welcoming environment, repeat offenders will be subject to permanent suspension.