Is Keahak for me?
The information on the Keahak page indicates that this is a deeper and more frequent contact with Adamus, so does it mean that Adamus will be answering our direct questions? or will they be as generic as in other programs where they are not that specific to us?
Keahak gives you a chance to make a commitment to work together with Adamus (at an energetic level) for a year. When you become part of this, you’re basically saying you’re willing to have Adamus around daily. This is why Keahakers tend to be much more committed to their journey.
During the year, we get together twice a month for experiences, discussions – well, not discussions, is more like a lecture from Adamus – and delving deeper. The messages and energy in Keahak go deeper and faster than in any other cloud class or shoud and are often intense as we break through new levels of consciousness.
Adamus rarely answers direct questions, although once or twice a year, he takes audience questions (related to the topic we are discussing at the moment in Keahak, not personal questions). However, most of the time, it’s pure, unadulterated Adamus Saint-Germain in “professor mode.”
I heard in one of the promotional videos about this event that Adamus reads our energy, and he adapts things every time to address our needs, is that the case?
Yes, he reads not only the energy of the group but also its level of consciousness, which sets the pace at which new information is discussed.
There are other classes in the store, so I wonder what benefits I should expect from Keahak compared to the others. Although everything is valuable in general, what is Keahak really bringing as a differentiator to all other courses/videos we have heard in the past?
Keahak is the venue for Adamus to bring out new information for Shaumbra. Eventually, Adamus brings a large portion of the Keahak material to the Shouds but usually not as deep as during the Keahak session. In other words, the Keahak material isn’t exclusive to Keahakers. If you decide not to participate in Keahak, know that much of the material will eventually come out in a Shoud.
I want to make sure that I am not inundating myself with a lof of studies, as opposed to rather just ‘allow it’ and leaving it to flow without having to get involved in any other project. So, what would I get in Keahak?
The decision to enter Keahak is rather a personal one, and it depends on your personal circumstances and the choices you want (or need) to make in your life (and in your inner journey) right now.
Keahak is generally for those wanting to dive head first into the experience, even if the energies get crazy sometimes. It’s for those desiring to explore new frontiers of consciousness right now, and not just hear about them later.
Here are some questions that might help you make the decision:
- Can you make the one-year commitment, or would it just add to the current chaos?
- Are you willing to dive deep into yourself, no matter what?
- Are you ready for something new, or do you need the time and space to integrate the information from the Shouds, Cloud Classes, and free products?
- Are you ready for Adamus to be with you for a year, or do you need time just to be with yourself?
- Do you prefer to go fast, or more at a casual pace?
- Do you like being at the leading edge, or would you rather come in the following wave when the energies are more settled?
No matter what you choose, trust that it’ll be the best choice for you.
To register, please go to our Store.