Can I register other attendees for a Cloud Class or in-person event from my account?
If you want to register someone else to a Cloud Class from your store account, here’s how to do it.
NOTE: Before making the purchase, please ensure that the other attendee already has an account in the Crimson Circle store.
After signing into your CC Store account, select the event you want to register for and click on add your selection.
This will take you to the Attendee Information page. Select "Someone else" and add all the information of the attendee you are paying for. When finished, always review the information for accuracy.
Make sure to use the same email the other person has on their CC store account.
Then click on Select Pricing, and click on the Cloud Class button. To finish click on Confirm and continue to the payment page.
If you leave the process without confirming, the information will be store on the Save for Later cart. To resume, click on the icon cart at the right top of the page, go to "Saved for Later," and click on "Restore."